Nov 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

Wow it's really been over a month since I've updated...teaching, getting in shape, being a wife and house manager are really keeping me busy....I wanted to give a quick update and some reflections on Veteran's Day though and will try to do better....

We are five weeks from going home and I can hardly wait!  I don't know what's in store for us on our quick little visit home but I know we both get to see our families and that is more than enough for both of us.  Life has it's ups and downs on the island and lately I feel like it's been a little more up but with bigger downs.

The ups - playing softball, running, baking (we have chocolate chips!) helping with church and trying to stay creative have all been great ups but the lows have been a little lower than usual.  Missing family, hating the heat and wanting to go home have been really hard.  It has helped to talk with family and friends and to skype and see my new niece and nephew, but it's still not the same as being home.  All this homesickness has led to a love/hate relationship with facebook.  I LOVE being able to see everyone's updates and all that they are doing in their lives, but it's hard.....sometimes I feel like Kelsey and I are stuck in some sort of time warp and the rest of the world is going on, moving on, without us! And I HATE that!  I feel like we'll come back and everyone will have fancy flying cars and be talking about the latest song/movie/book/show/ that we've never even heard of!  But then as quickly as they come these lows disappear and another high comes along. 

Much of this I know has been my choice to focus more on God.  No magic recipe (5 prayers a day, with two chapters of the bible, mix with three worship songs and rest for 8 hrs....) No it's just little ole me, doing what I can each day to remind myself to think on Him and His goodness, and somehow the time is passing by and before I know it I will be getting back on a plane to go to Philly and to see friends and family.  It's been a hard balance enjoy and get all that God has for me in this time here on Dominica and to not constantly focus on the future of when we get to leave (for good).  A very special THANK YOU to all who continue to keep us in your prayers and send us emails and words of encouragement....they mean more to us than you know.


Today has two special places in my heart.  The first is it is or was my grandparents anniversary!  They would have been married for 67 years this year and it's hard to believe at times that they are still not here anymore.  It got me to thinking about being married that long.  I remember when my grandfather passed away almost 3 years ago this Christmas and in talking with my grandma she said "You know I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't married to your grandfather" (they had been married for 64 years at the time).  I was so shocked, (not being married at the time) I couldn't think of being with someone for so long that you wouldn't remember a time without them.  Now on the flip side of that coin (marriage that is) I look forward to one day having 64 years with Kelsey and being able to look back on this time in Dominica and all the years to come and think "I can't remember a time when Kelsey wasn't in my life".  What a beautiful thing to be able to celebrate all the ups and downs, joys and sorrow of you WHOLE life with another person!  Thanks grandma and grandpa for showing your granddaughters that God, love and hard work can make a beautiful life!

The second of course was Veteran's Day!   As I sat there and saw the numerous facebook posts (still on the love/hate relationship but check in several times a day) and realized that outside of a friend here in Dominica and my father and uncles, I don't know anyone in the military.  I remember growing up that is was sooooo common to talk about Veteran's Day at school and EVERYONE had someone in their family that was in the military.  In fact in my grandfather's and father's time you could get drafted into the military, and not that all agreed with it, but most I feel felt it was an honor to serve their country and to protect the liberties and freedoms that we all cherish in this country.  I know military life isn't for me or for most of the people I know which makes me wonder who will be protecting our freedoms and liberties in the future?  I am comforted though in knowing that as long as we have been a country there have always been people willing to fight (physically) to make it happen.  So be sure to thank those that fight for us and our country, not just on Veteran's Day or Labor Day or Memorial Day, but each and every day in person, prayer or remembrance.

Until next time - live out the LOVE God has placed in you!

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