Oct 3, 2010

Time to get back into the routine of things......semester 2 style

Ok family and friends, I have been a horrible blogger.  With the last update somewhere in August so much has been going on and happening I haven't found the time to sit down and update everyone with where we are and how we are doing.

So I will now attempt to give a brief, (with details to follow in another post) synopsis of our lives and where we are in life.

Location: Still Dominica although we had a brief 5 day excursion in St. Lucia (via a 4 hour ferry - thank God for the invention of Dramamine)  It was a great way to relax and not do a whole lot for the first part of the break before everything went crazy!

Life on Dominica During the break:  The break was a little hectic as Kelsey and I were chosen to do welcoming committee and in addition to that I was heading up the welcome meals for new incoming students during the same time, and I began working at the Preparatory School on September 1st.....oh and did I mention that we had to move as well!  Yes it was quite the busy time, but we love the new apartment (2 bedroom, 2 bathroom) and we just need to decorate it to really have it feel like home! (pictures to come we have a great view of the ocean from our kitchen and one of the bedrooms).

School:  Kelsey and I both started school on September 6th!  What a difference a semester makes.  Kelsey is now taking 6 classes instead of 4 and has classes from 8-5 almost every single night, with labs, and clubs and now because he had such great grades, he is tutoring first semester students!  He is busy to say the least! Oddly enough, because I am on campus during the days and until 5 or so each night I actually get to see him quite a bit.  We see each other for 20 minutes or more at lunch and sometimes even after school!  I am teaching math to 3rd - 7th graders (about 18 kids in total) but it is a lot of prep as each class, even if there are only 2 people in the class, need to have their own lesson plan.  And then I am teaching Social Studies to 4th/5th graders as well.  It is a different challenge for teaching, but it is one I am looking forward to.  And now that I have gotten back into the rhythm of everything I am not at school every night til 7pm.  And the children are wonderful!  They all really want to learn and do their homework and everything.  While we still have issues about what we can get on the island, for the most part we have textbooks and supplies for all of our students.  I also work with four other great teachers (2 or dominicans and 1 is from the states and 1 from Canada)  the non-dominican teachers have a spouse that are attending Ross right now. 

Home:  The best part about this post is that we will be coming home to the states for Christmas!  We will be arriving on US soil on December 18th!  And the best part is that Kelsey and I will both get to see our families and our nieces and nephews!  God is sooo good.  We are excited to see everyone and to really just have a time of celebration with family and friends.  We have missed all of you so much and know that you are all in our prayers and thoughts.  Of course we will also enjoy having some great food back in the states that we can't get here is a great little treat too!

Well that is all for now...please keep Kelsey in your prayers as he has his first mini (think midterm) for school and has already had his neuro practical (another test) and will have an anatomy practical a week from Wednesay. 

Until next time....remember to hold each other up in prayer...it's the best support you can give!


1 comment:

Eraina.Davis said...

So happy that things are going well! God is good:)