May 2, 2012

May Day in the Windy City

It has been almost two weeks since our move to Chicago and already things are starting to fall into place.  Kelsey began his rotations on Monday April 23rd and he has already made some good impressions at work, including finding a swollen lymphnoid in a patient.  Every day he has a new story (including one where his classmate caught malaria in a patient when the doctor thought it might be a low possibility).  He is so blessed because he not only enjoys the classmates in his rotation with him (which is good, since they will all be together until the end of March next year) but he likes the doctors and the hospitals program as well.  We are truly where God wants us to be.

We also have moved into our first apartment in Chicago, but in true Budd style, we will be moving at the end of June (for those that are new to the blog, Kelsey and I have moved every 4 months of our marriage, except for one stint in an apartment in Dominica for 8 months).  We were originally trying to transfer to Drexel, but due to no openings we will be in Chicago now until the end of March 2013 possibly a little longer (depending on elective rotations), therefore the need for an apartment for the next 10 months to a year or so is needed.  On the bright side, having two months to look for another apartment allows Shiloh and me the chance to explore different neighborhoods.  Yes we are out and about, running errands to Trader Joe's (about a mile away from our house) or to Target (also about a mile) and in the process looking for apartments and spots with good parking (ah city life).  On and even brighter side mommy here is getting back into her workout routine for sure.  Please be praying that we find the right apartment at the right price! 

Chicago itself is a great city and I feel like I am back in my element - city life!  Chicago is a bustling, diverse, cultured city and yet there is still that mid-western politeness about it.  For example, Shiloh and I had our first "girls shopping day" downtown on Saturday while Kelsey stayed home and studied, and when getting off the El (subway here) I had a gentlemen help me get the stroller safely to the platform and upon exiting the platform another young man held open the handicap door so Shiloh and I could get through.  I was so amazed I called Kelsey to let him know about all my years of living in NYC I never once saw a MAN help a mother with a stroller or anything.  Needless to say, yet another confirmation that we are exactly where God wants us to be.

This adventure that Kelsey and I are on keeps getting better and better as we continue to trust God and to follow His still, small voice.   It is not always easy, and I was sad to realize that we wouldn't be transfering back to Drexel and getting to stay close to family, but I know that God's plans are so much better than ours and that He has our best interests in mind and wants the best for His children just as Kelsey and I want the best for Shiloh.  Each day is a step of faith and although some steps are not the ones I want to take, in the end they are the best steps for me and my family.

Until next time....

1 comment:

Amie B. said...

I'm so excited to hear about your time in Chicago! It's such an amazing town. I love you and am so proud of you and your entire family.