Dec 18, 2011

It's almost Christmas!!!

Well it looks like this year is the year of sparse blog updates.  The past few months have flown by and with less than 3 months before baby girl budd arrives, I'm sure we're headed for more of the same.

Since my last post a few things have happened:

  1. We found out in mid October that we were indeed going to have a girl!  Such exciting news, especially since we thought she was going to be a boy - it's been fun picking out names and we have 3 but won't name her until we see her beautiful face!
  2. My beautiful baby sister Breanna got married on November 11th to the love of her life - Tim Remer.  It was such an honor to be part of their special day and it was so fun to be with all of my sisters and their kids.....four kids under 4 left us with little energy at the end of the day, but it was awesome!
  3. Kelsey finished his 5th Semester on December 2nd and kept up his "A" average for med school.  Proud doesn't begin to describe how I feel about the work he's been putting in for the past two years attending medical school, being a great husband and soon to be dad!
  4. With the end of 5th in Michigan we moved back to Jers....where there really is no place like home.  We plan to be here until sometime in Aprilish (depending on where we start rotations) and we'll be having Ms. Baby B on Feb 29th in Jers...just like her daddy =)
  5. I had my 34th birthday which was nice to have back on US soil (for the past two b-days I was out of the country, Thailand for 32 and Dominica for 33).  It was a great day that started off with breakfast in bed (french toast, eggs, coffee and grapefruit - compliments of Kelsey).  We then spent the rest of the day just the two of us....which when your husband is in the middle of studying for one of the biggest tests of his life is the BEST present ever!
So that's a quick little update of what's been going on with us.  I'll be trying to post more pictures of baby bumps as I am getting bigger and bigger as the weeks pass along!

Until next time....remember the reason for Christmas...the greatest gift each of us has ever received!

1 comment:

Amie B. said...

Ha ha ha! I TOLD you it was a girl! I'm so excited to meet her when she gets here!! Love you!