Mar 7, 2011

Updates for Semester 3

Yes, yes I know I KNOW it's been way to long since any type of update.  Thoughts of "are they ok?" "do they have a place to live?" "are they still in Dominica?" must be running through everyone's heads.  But rest assured we are alive and well and enjoying our 3rd semester (months 8-12) of living in Dominica.

Here are just a few quick things that we have been up to:

  1. Moved into yet another apartment (this time only to the building next door).  We lost the 2nd bedroom but gained a huge living room, eating space, kitchen and bedroom.  So I've been able to cook and bake like I did back home which is an incredible thing to do!
  2. Valentine's Day  - we had a wonderful V-day with a homemade dinner to die for and a fabulous bottle of wine Kelsey surprised me with from one of my favorite places...South Africa!
  3. Hiked to Victoria Falls - it's one of the largest (or maybe the largest) waterfalls on the island.  We had quite the adventure (individual post to follow)
  4. Hiked to Boiling Lake!  YES you heard me correctly - a BOILING lake.  This hike usually takes 3 - 4 hours each way, but our crew did it in 2.5 hours each way!  Needless to say there were points of desperation, a walk through the Valley of Desolation and an amazing hidden waterfall that was featured in the Piarates of the Caribbean 2. (individual post to follow - with pics)
  5. Started then canceled a trip to Paris =(  I personally was so excited to see that there were tickets for $650 each way to go to Paris from the neighboring island of Guadeloupe, unfortunately we didn't snatch them up in time, so it will be bumped til next year when we hope tickets are still a great price.  Until then Au revoir Paris!  We will see you again soon......
  6. Carnival!!!!  Today is Carnival in Portsmouth the town that is nearest to the school....Kelsey and I plan to go there for a few hours today and check it out....
I promise to update more and post more pictures....but until then - keep on loving the ones you're with!


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